Friday, December 2, 2011

Strike a pose

this link i saw on the many different syles of the 40's and how McCalls patterens and well as Vouge magaizine came into play back int the day really struck me.

Buggle boy

Though i love the fashion of the 1940's the music of the era was actually pretty jumping in the day.
Like the song that we all know by The Andrew Sisters which i think would go well for the music that would be playing in the background of the book,

Monday, November 28, 2011

A New Point Dealing with Women's Discrimination

Here's a link to a little bit on the women's discrimination thing between two individuals looking at history. The highlight is from the Jessica person on the site. It's sad to see that women were told to go home and give up their jobs to the men coming back from war. That whole ordeal was pathetic. I mean, not so much as a "thank you".

Working women in 1940

My area of research is working women of the 1940's. I specifically wanted to find women scientists to coincide with the book we read in class. Here is a link showing the different jobs women did do in the 40's.

Women and Education

Another area that women started to progress in was their education in the 1940's. This was brought to my attention in Speech class last week when my professor had mentioned Florida State did not allow females to enroll into college until 1941 because of WWII. The men were going off to war and the school needed to keep enrollment up.

I wanted to mention this as I took it for granted, I thought by that year women had the opportunity to further their education. Not the case at all universities.

A different opinion from an unlikely source

In the spirit of playing devil's advocate, I thought I would show an odd clip demonstrating a woman's view on women's rights. One small caveat however, Ayn Rand has a very different view than most women. Being raised in Russia under the communists she obviously has a different slant on issues than us westerners would. Her most famous novel, called The Fountainhead, along with being an extremely right wing opinion, is the basis for her form of philosophy and this response to the question of a woman president is reflective of that. Whether you agree with her or not, this way of thinking lives on to this day. I trust that, in my lifetime, we will break the mold, but I don't see it happening in the near future.

Sixteen goin on SEVENTEEN

If anyone remembers in the book WCRM, you may recall the mentioning of a magazine that we all know of. Either we read it or just see it in the stores in the magazine section. Im talking about Seventeen Magazine. I did not know that the magazine had been around since that time. Turns out that the magazine has been around since September 1944 which would put the story in the right era. Happy 65th Birthday! If anything, I found that very interesting that it's fashion advice has been around since that time. I guess its safe to say they know what they are talking about in the fashion world.