Friday, November 18, 2011

Kachiepuff- The Fireball Against Discrimination

Well, it's time to get my first post out there.

First off, I'm the crazy fireball who has a lot of energy when it comes to women's discrimination. I can say right now that women in the past and in the present face discrimination of every kind imaginable, and I hope our future doesn't look like this. I mean, just reading the book "White Sands, Red Menace" by Ellen Klages is proof enough: Mrs. Gordon having to quit her job and not being able to work with the men. Not to mention all the arguments she has with her husband, and he doesn't really listen. She has it tough. Oh, and let's not forget how Dewey Kerrigan couldn't take the classes she wanted to in high school just because she was a girl. She was forced to take Home Ec. instead of Woodshop and some classes that dealt with math.

1 comment:

  1. Job discrimination was rampant in the 1940's. On I had found an article about women that were forced to work at mills, steel plants and ship yards. Women in the workforce increased 25 - 36%. When WWII ends, men came back home, and back to their jobs. Women were encouraged to go back home to female jobs. I found that to be a double standard.
